Names in books are important. I've actually picked up books or passed down them just because of the name of the main character. I'm a sucker for characters with the same name as I, Olivia. (Btw, this year there will be many book releases with characters named Olivia. Unusually much.) A great post about character names by Lisa Desproches.
No NBP (yes, that's the shortening of Noteworthy Blog Posts) is complete without an e-reader post, right? An actually really good one by Bree Meets Books.
I myself don't like book blogs that only consist of memes and a couple of reviews every now and then. I participate in two memes, Booking Through Thursday and IMM. That's enough for my blog, though I don't mind blogs doing more memes than that if they have a lot other content than just that. If you want to read a good blog post with thought on memes, you can go to Maggie's Bookshelf.
You don't read? you? by Jess Hearts Books. I've never met people who are surprised by me reading books. In school I always walk around with a book, even if I don't get to read at the class I'm going to. I don't know why, I just do. And it's not like I don't have any friends or anything and sit alone reading at every break (although I wouldn't mind that). And when I meet new people it usually comes up in some point of our conversations. So everybody know that I read. People are more surprised by my playing video games. Since I'm not walking around with my wii or playstation 3 games in school, ha!
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