Friday, February 11, 2011

Booking Through Thursday - Ground Floor

There’s something wonderful about getting in on the ground floor of an author’s career–about being one of the first people to read and admire them, before they became famous best-sellers.

Which authors have you been lucky enough to discover at the very beginning of their careers?

And, if you’ve never had that chance, which author do you WISH you’d been able to discover at the very beginning?

Unfortunately, I haven't had the luck to discover any authors at the beginnings of their careers, none that I can think of anyway. Before I got into the internet book community I usually bought books that were really big and bought the whole series of it when the last book was released. Why, I don't know. But I think it was because when I knew all the books in the series has gotten praise I would love it as well. And I wouldn't have to wait for the sequel.

But one author I'd really like to have discovered in the beginning is J.K. Rowling. The author of the Harry Potter books, you probably know who I am talking about. I was about six years old when my dad and I started to read Harry Potter together as a bed time story, it was in 2001. Then we read the first four books together and then when the fifth was translated into swedish I read that one by myself. And all the three last books as well. Already by that time the books were my all time favorites, but I was too young to become a fan girl. 

So I think that's what this is about. I would have liked to be a little older when the books were released so I could get more involved. (I was barely one year when the first one came out, lol). I would want to have been there in the beginning, be craving for the next book to come out, be excited about the movies (one left, yay!), be involved in the online communities and be camping outside a bookstore until midnight when they released the last Harry Potter book! Can't someone write a series that become as loved and gets a following as big as the Harry Potter books, just so I can experience all this, please?


  1. Harry Potter was in my answer too!

    Here it is:

  2. I have this thing about buying series only in hardcover. Don't know why. I prefer stand alones to be hardcover too, but they don't HAVE to be.

  3. I know what you mean about Harry Potter! I read The Sorcerer's Stone around the time it first came out, but I didn't like it. Then I reread it about a year ago and fell in love with it. I read one after the other and was so depressed when it ended. I wish I had been there for all the release parties and everything.

    I've also awarded you the Stylish Blogger Award. Congratulations! Go here to check it out:
