Monday, December 26, 2011

Some words on books I haven't reviewed

I've read a lot of books that I for some reason haven't reviewed. Either I didn't want to, or didn't have the time to write a review. But that doesn't mean that I don't have anything to say about the book, or don't want to recommend it to anyone. So this is me talking about some of the books I've read and want to share my thoughts on!

Looking for Alaska by John Green
I simply just loved this book! It was my first John Green novel (exempt for Will Grayson, Will Grayson) and every single page of it was pure awesomeness. The characters wonderfully realistic, the writing everyday-ish but still so poetic. The before / after idea, and oh my god the thing it was counting down to. I want to marry everything in this book. I'm not kidding.

Across the Universe by Beth Revis
This is something as unusual as a YA science-fiction novel, so reading it was quite a new experience. I liked the book a lot, Amy was an amazing character (and a redhead, yay for redheads!) and I liked seeing the different world on the ship through her eyes. I liked the Elder parts as well, especially all the lies and mysteries he tried to solve. This is a book I recommend to everyone.

Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys
This was a really touching story about how horrible a family had it in the Soviet Union during the second world war. It was really sad hearing about how bad they were treated in the work camp. The writing was really good, and I loved that the chapters was short, it fitted the story very well. Reading about the hope that Lina never lost and how she documented everything that happened was just amazing.

The Replacement by Brenna Yovanoff
This was a very special paranormal, and one that I enjoyed a lot. First of, it was told from a boy's point of view. Secondly, he was not a vampire, angel etc like in all other paranormals. He was a new type of monster, which was really interesting. It also had that creepy horror feel over it. It was very original, and I liked it a lot.

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