Monday, October 24, 2011

24 hour read-a-thon: What happened?

So yeah, I particiapted in Dewney's 24 hour read-a-thon yesterday/today. And you may notice that I didn't post any updates. That's because my frickin computer decided to die! (I'm typing this at my grandfather's) I know that I could've posted through my iPhone, but it takes a long time, is very annoying and I didn't feel like taking the time and energy to do it. I did update a bit on Twitter though.

And if you follow me on Twitter, you know that I went to bed at 2am (12 hours into the read-a-thon). I'd just finished Looking for Alaska, which was just so brilliant and mindblowing, that I couldn't concentrate on starting a new book. Some books you just have to process for a bit before reading something fresh. So I slept for about seven hours and started reading again at 9am.

I read Diary of a Wimpy Kid in about one hour, and then I started reading Room by Jenna Donoghue. During the last 4 hours of the read-a-thon I read about 250 pages of the book, which was pretty good. The first thing I finished was City of Glass, which was amazing.

So, all in all I read three and a half books. Concidering some breaks and that I slept during the night, I see that as a successful read-a-thon! I had a lot of fun and am hoping to do this sometime again - with a working computer.


  1. I've read so many good things about the Readathon that you guys have inspired me to participate next time! Good for you for doing it!


  2. What a coincidence. Just a couple days ago, some trojan got into the laptop and completely took it over. It's in the shop now, so now I have to use the family desktop. So inconvenient. I feel your pain sista.

  3. Umm wow! Jag har aldrig hört talas om det tidigare men det låter jättehäftigt. Jag är väldigt imponerad över att du läste så många böcker.
